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How to Configure Mass URL Forwarding on Regery
How to Configure Mass URL Forwarding on Regery
Updated over 8 months ago

When managing multiple domain names, setting up URL forwarding for each can be a tedious task. Thankfully, Regery offers a streamlined approach to configure mass URL Forwarding efficiently. This article will guide you through the simple steps to set up URL forwarding for multiple domains using Regery's user-friendly platform.

Step 1: Access the Domains Tab

First, navigate to the Domains tab on the Regery platform. This is where you'll manage all domain-related settings. Hover your cursor over this menu to begin the process.

Step 2: Understand Mass Operations

Regery provides a robust system for handling mass operations which allows you to work with a list of domains and various parameters:

  • Each domain name should be placed on a new line.

  • Parameters should follow the domain name and be separated by spaces or commas.

  • Lines beginning with '#' are ignored as comments, useful for notes.

  • Mass operations are scheduled and processed asynchronously, meaning they occur in bulk and do not interfere with immediate interface interactions.

  • If a domain is already undergoing another bulk operation, new operations will be queued or ignored until the previous one is complete.

Step 3: Input Formatting for URL Forwarding

To set up URL forwarding, you'll need to format your input correctly in the provided field on the mass operation page. Here’s the format you should follow:

Example Format:

# Format: domain_name [redirect_type] [path] [destination] 
# redirect_type: value can be 301 or 'permanent'. By default, a temporal redirect is used;
# path: by default '/', is used but you can specify your own path relative to your domain name;
# destination: destination URL that starts with http:// or https://. If empty, then URL forwarding will be disabled for the domain.

# Examples: 301 301 /sub-folder

Key Points to Remember:

  • Redirect Type: Choose between a 301 (permanent) redirect or a default temporary redirect.

  • Path: You can use the default '/' or specify a custom path.

  • Destination: Specify the URL to which the domain should redirect. Ensure it starts with http:// or https://.


Mass URL forwarding setup on Regery can significantly simplify the management of multiple domains, making it an essential tool for web administrators and businesses with a large online presence. By following these instructions, you can efficiently redirect traffic from several domains to preferred destinations, enhancing your operational efficiency and ensuring a consistent user experience across your digital assets.

Remember, correctly setting up your URL forwarding can help maintain SEO rankings and improve user navigation. If you encounter any issues, Regery's support team is readily available to assist you with any queries or troubleshooting needs.

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